Our Resource Center contains the latest version of the GPC trading Contract, as well as other relevant pulses industry documents.


GPC Contracts are considered an even-handed agreement for buyers and sellers alike.

Pulses Contract Training

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Pulses Contract

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Pulses Contract (Spanish)

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Pulses Contract (Mandarin)

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Pulses Contract (Italian)

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Pulses Contract (Amharic)

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Pulses Contract (Turkish)

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Pulses Contract (Russian)

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Pulses Contract (Portuguese)

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Colombo Accord Summary (English)

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Colombo Accord Summary (Portuguese)

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The maximum residue limit (MRL) is the maximum amount of pesticide residue that is expected to remain on food products when a pesticide is used according to label directions.


These toolkits will provide you with the resources you need to host a successful educational session or special event, such as a Global Pulse Day event.

Foodservice Industry Toolkit. Engaging Foodservice Industry to Drive Pulse Consumption. September 20, 2017


Resources to help you share your love for pulses.

Pulses and Food Security Factsheet

Over 60 percent of total utilisation of pulses is for human consumption. But the importance of pulses in human diets varies from region to region and country to country, with consumption being generally higher in developing nations (75%). Pulses, by contributing about 10 percent in the daily protein intake and 5 percent in energy intake, are of particular importance for food security in low income countries where the major sources of proteins are non-animal products. September 20, 2017

Pulses and Rural Development Factsheet

Pulses are are traditionally mostly grown in developing countries, primarily by smallholder farms, often mostly for their own consumption but also to sell locally. Low productivity can represent an important impediment in making pulses a valuable source of additional income, but with the introduction of improved varieties and better management techniques, important increases yields can be achieved, making pulses a valuable source of income. September 20, 2017

Pulses: Orphan Crops Factsheet

“Orphan crops” are crops that are largely grown and used locally by communities and often considered staple crops. They are not part of the main crops that are traded internationally. And which have often been considered staple crops. These “orphan” crops are a very important component of nutritionally balanced diets for both humans and animals, and support resilient, sustainable agricultural practices. September 20, 2017

Pulses: Sustainable Superfoods Factsheet

Learn more about why pulses are sustainable crops that improve soil health and use less than 1/10 the water of other proteins to produce. September 20, 2017


Figures and expectations on the pulses world.

10 Year Research Strategy Pulse Crops – Final

Increased production and consumption of pulse crops is essential if global agriculture and food systems are to stay within planetary boundaries. Yet, the 13 pulse crops receive just USD 175 million in research funding annually. This report presents an internationally coordinated strategy designed to increase investment in five major arenas of scientific activity, each of which is essential to achieving the potential of pulse crops. September 20, 2017

Argentina Technical Reports

Technical reports on pulse use and nutrition from Argentina (Spanish language). September 20, 2017

Pulse Crops and Sustainability: A framework to Evaluate Multiple Benefits

This paper specifically seeks to develop a framework to evaluate the economic, social and environmental benefits and potential trade-offs of pulse production in different geographic, agro-ecological and economic contexts. The framework defines the sustainability elements to be evaluated in any given context, given the diversity across cropping systems and geographic contexts of suitable pulse growing areas. The framework will also provide a means to evaluate the potential sustainability contributions of pulses should they be brought into a cropping system, or integrated into crop rotations. http://iyp2016.org/themes/productivity-environmental-sustainability October 05, 2017

Technical reports on pulse use and nutrition from France (French language)

Diagnostic des filières de légumineuses à destination de l’alimentation humaine en France – Intérêt environnemental et perspectives de développement. September 20, 2017

GPC Code of Ethics


In this section you will find resources for National Federations and National Committees to take action and promote pulses. These toolkits will provide inspiration for marketing initiatives, industry outreach, contests, events, and ways you can get involved on a personal level.

10 Things National Groups can do to Promote Pulses

We know you all love pulses, which is why we want to give you 10 ideas on what your National Association or Committee can do to help promote pulses. September 20, 2017


Do you want to teach others about pulses or learn more yourself? Use these free lesson plans and tools.

Lesson Plans

This pack contains six, hour-long lesson plans
designed to appeal to children aged 8-11 years old.

1: Introduction to Pulses and the International Year of Pulses

2: Health and Nutrition

3: Cooking with pulses

4: Growing Pulses

5: Pulses around the world

6: Food Security

Visuals for Kids

Help kids learn about pulses with these visuals
aimed at kids aged 8-14.

Mankinds acient love affair with pulses

Pulses the perfect petrol for you

The secret life of pulses

Unexpected heroes save the day

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