Third International Conference “Pulses. New markets. New opportunities”


Key players in the pulse industry, including officials from FAO, the Indian Ministry of Agriculture, and the President of the Global Pulse Confederation (GPC), Huseyin Arslan will attend the Third International Conference.

Public Association “Community Of Pulse Producers And Customers Of Ukraine” (SPPBU) - a non-profit public organization, acting under of the Charter, and established in 2015 to unite Ukrainian farmers and processors, experts and scholars of agricultural science, commercial companies, financial institutions and other stakeholders around one of the most important segment of the agricultural sector in order to achieve the goal set in its Charter and described in its development program for the years 2016-2020, which was approved by the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Ministry of agrarian policy and food of Ukraine.

An aim of organization is assistance to development ofpulses industry of agro industrial complex of Ukraine due to the systematic increase of their production and processing coming from highly productive useful properties of pulses, their necessity and growing demand both into the state and in the world.


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